No matter how extensive or modest your requirements for advice and assistance in this complex area might be, we pledge that we will provide your company with a value for money service. And remember, our initial consultation visit is made entirely free of charge.

SCDP (Simplified Customs Declaration Procedure) bureau service

This important aspect of our service has evolved since 2002, primarily as a direct response to concerns expressed by client companies, to each of whom we identified six-figure overpayments of customs duty, all resulting from misdeclaration of imported products and materials. Acting as the designated "Representative" of the companies concerned, our SCDP systems enable us to take on responsibility for the fiscal elements of the import declaration process, with the companies forwarding agents retaining frontier clearance work by means of simplified electronic messages.

Inward Processing (IP)

Where companies import raw materials and products, then re-export these to destinations outwith the EU, either following a manufacturing process or in an unaltered form, IP provides total relief from the customs duty and VAT normally payable at import. Any anti-dumping or countervailing duty due is also relieved using IP. Our IP services range from identifying the opportunities, to securing the necessary authorisations from Customs, assistance with setting up the administrative processes required (by HMRC) of IP-approved clients.

This regime can also be highly beneficial to companies who import duty-bearing materials for use in manufacture of products which, were they to be imported, would be liable to lower (or zero) rates of duty.

Tariff classification

Correct classification of imports is of vital importance. Not only does it determine the percentage rate of customs duty applicable, it also is of major significance where dealing with issues such as import licensing, tariff quotas and preferential origin rules. Our services include classification reviews and securing ATaR (Advanced Tariff Rulings) on behalf of client companies.

Customs Valuation

A complex area of customs legislation, in which "hidden charges" such as royalties and license fees, R&D expense and transportation insurance costs can be the cause of underdeclaration of the values on which customs duty is charged, and the attendant difficulties which that scenario can give rise to. But the rules also offer possibilities for reducing these values (and thus the duty costs themselves) in a variety of circumstances, for example where buying commissions or quota charges are included in invoice prices, or where post-importation installation and training fees are "bundled" into the import price of capital equipment. We offer a wealth of experience on valuation matters.

Duty Repayment Claims

Under UK customs law it is possible, in a variety of circumstances, to claim repayment of overpaid customs duties within a period of up to 3 years following importation of the goods concerned. We offer extensive experience in identifying such overpayments, then compiling, submitting and following up claims on behalf of our clients.

Other Services

Duty suspensions

We can assist in identifying and progressing opportunities for exemption from duty on materials proven to be unobtainable from UK manufacturing sources.

Preferential origin

We provide expert advice and support on preferential origin issues, in relation to both export and import formalities and documentation. Additionally, in respect of imports, we have an extensive track record in assisting companies in obtaining preferential origin declarations up to 3 years retrospectively, where none were received at the time of import, with a view to these supporting claims to repayment of duty.

Customs warehousing

We can assist in securing customs warehousing authorisations, on behalf of individual importing companies (private warehouses) and freight companies (public warehouses), permitting the storage of imported merchandise without payment of customs charges for as long as they remain in warehouse.

Customs "planning" reviews and audits

Our services in this area range from a periodic "health-check" to carrying out full reviews of companies customs and international trade affairs.

Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)

We assist companies towards securing AEO accreditation. This service includes developing and documenting customs-specific internal controls, where required.

Outward Processing Relief (OPR) and End Use

We provide advice and assistance with these, and other duty relief regimes not referred to elsewhere in this site.

Overseas tariff advice

We are able to advise on the duties and other imports taxes likely to impact on delivery of exports to overseas destinations. This is particularly useful where companies are selling under DDP Incoterms.

Read some of our success stories about how our advice on customs duties and taxes has helped our clients.

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