A private importer, confronted with 10% duty charge plus 20% import VAT, following his overseas purchase of a second-hand luxury car, was delighted when we successfully overturned formal HMRC decisions re the tariff classification of the vehicle, resulting in it becoming being deemed to be a “classic” car, with no duty payable and import VAT rate reduced to only 5%.

A small family firm, importing kitchen appliances, was delighted when we persuaded Customs to revoke a BTI decision which, quite logically, classified caffetieres as "glass coffee pots". But the rules and principles underlying tariff classification frequently defy logic, and Customs accepted our arguments which proposed that the caffetieres be classified as "hand-operated mechanical appliances used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of food and drink". A back duty demand for £35k was then cancelled, and the duty rate applied to future imports was some 8.3% lower than that which Customs had sought to charge.

A sportswear importer, using the services of buying agents in Hong Kong, was able to reduce customs duty charges by 8% following our advice on re-structuring the content of invoices raised by these agents covering shipments of the garments concerned.

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